If you should go down to the woods today...

If you should go down to the woods today…


Now that spring is upon us and lockdowns are lifting, I wonder how many of us are getting outdoors to practice yoga in the wild? It is a little easier now (when it's not raining), but I was really inspired to find one yogi making a video, getting down on the mat in the middle of the snowy forest in deepest winter by a frozen lake!!

It was a chance meeting that really inspired me – there I was starting Live Wild and trying to encourage people to do more yoga and to get outdoors and practice yoga outside, and I come across someone doing exactly the same thing! (+ I was dead impressed because I hadn't thought about getting into snow yoga myself!!) If you ever needed more reasons to believe in the good forces of the universe, then this was one of them.

I introduced myself, and Amy Bench from Earth Souls Yoga was good enough to allow me a photo for this blog and even agreed to meet up with me to talk about what she was up to with her project.

It's a collaboration between her and another yoga teacher Guilia here in Morzine, France. For £120 you get the subscription for the year to the website which includes access to a whole bank of outdoor yoga classes that have been recorded in the most stunning locations. They have yoga for beginners, intermediates and advanced, and also specialist classes for surfers, and snowboarders! And it's also really cool they offer guided meditations and yoga healing classes.

In the midst of the pandemic lockdown, she had some encouraging words at a time when we were all really missing our yoga classes and communities. She reminded me to keep faith and trust in the world, to get outside and do as much connecting with nature, mind and body, as possible – and what good advice that is turning out to be!

As so many of us transition to permanent digital working, we have to keep in mind the importance of getting outdoors and maintaining that balance with nature and ourselves. As an entrepreneur starting a new business, I know full well that is one of the challenges! Amy really agreed that for her and Julia, who are total wild spirits, it was hard to get to grips with all the tech, and also to spend so much time in front of the computer. I'd like to suggest taking your mat outside for a change of scenery! There is nothing like a breath of fresh air to reinvigorate you and help you make other + changes in your life.

Amy: " Being in nature, having the sun on your face, the wind on your skin, grounding with the earth = sheer pleasure. Being surrounded by so much nature can reconnect you with yourself and encourage you to spend more time outdoors, and to realise your priorities."

What more do you want than that, eh?

And, if you can't get outside, there is always Earth Souls Yoga! As a traveller and itinerant, I really appreciate having an online community I can follow along with. Check them out:




All the best, peace and love as always, and remember, the mat is always there for you. Louis out.

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